Day 1 at the Lounge!

Had an amazing day 1 at the Lounge! It was jam packed with media and talent visiting. We were fortunate to also have some of our charity partners in the Lounge today. Rob Dryan from Camp Oochigeas was there, and spoke to Lounge visitors about how the camp is partnering with Kiehl's, J. Rox Originals and the Penny Protein Plan, who are all raising funds for the camp. Cathy Denyer, president of Big Brothers, Big Sisters Toronto (BBBST), was also in the Lounge and shared with visitors the partnership between BBBST and Sharpie. I loved having them there and I think it really added to the experience for those visiting the Lounge who were able to really partake in a charitable experience all the while receiving some incredible goodies!

As promised, here's the update on who visited the Lounge today and what they picked. Supermodel Monika Schnarre toasted her visit to the IT Lounge with a SKYY C"Oh"Conut Dream, and then signed a Sharpie Bear, which will later be auctioned off with funds going to BBBST. Please Mum gifted Tonya Lee Williams with a Puddle Jumper raincoat, which Tonya said she will give to her goddaughter. For each celebrity that visits the IT Lounge, Please Mum is donating an outfit to a child in need in a developing country in Africa through World Vision. Actress Lisa Ray and director Rubba Nadda were fixated on Kiehl's newest line of skin care products, the 100% Natural Origin Acai Damage-Repairing Skincare Collection. After receiving their products, they had the opportunity to select and donate much-needed sports equipment to Camp Oochigeas as part of Kiehl's charitable initiative. Actor Lyriq Bent visited the Lounge and sampled SoU! liquid nutrition and got a festival boost, and a charitable boost as well, as funds donated to the SoU! Foundation will help maintain the integrity of our environment. Mike Lobel noshed on Richart Chocolates, who will be donating a specially-made gift basket to be auctioned off with proceeds going to the SickKids foundation. Photographer Caitlin Cronenberg (in the pic below) was most excited about the cozy Teva Montecito boots, adding one hour of volunteer work for Teva who is contributing one hour of volunteering per celebrity to the Waterkeeper's Alliance. It's really amazing when you think that for each item these celebrities scooped up from the Lounge today, a charity will really benefit.

One more sleep until the Artists for Peace and Justice Gala. And then one more sleep after that until the Hello! Magazine party at Birks. So excited! I'll be blogging tomorrow with more scoop on the Lounge and the APJ fundraiser. Talk soon!!

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