Tips on Finding Love

Okay time to dish on last night's Bachelorette. I was really not surprised with Ali's choice. You could tell on the very first episode how smitten she was when Roberto got out of the car. She was so attracted to him! Welcome to 2010, where you can meet "The One" on national television.

This morning, someone at the office joked, "I want to find love like Ali and Roberto's!" so I've decided to share my top 3 tips on finding love for the modern gal:

1. The next time you're at a Starbucks, do the following three-step test.
a) Look down at his footwear. If you think they pass, proceed.
b) Look up at his face. If you think he's cute, proceed.
c) Look at his hand for a ring. If he is wearing one, do not proceed. If he is not, chat him up.

2. Next time you're at a bar and you see someone cute, send him over a drink. Enough with the waiting for him- he'll be impressed with the gutsiness involved in sending him over that Campari and Soda.

3. Stop depending on your friends to make the first introduction! If someone tells you they know someone they think you'd like, ask for his contact, and go for it.

What are some of your tips for dating? Tweet them to me @natashankpr

XO Natasha

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