A blog post about blog posts

There is no shortage of amazing blogs to read on the Internet. I've spent too many hours to count scrolling through pages and pages, but how can I resist? My staff couldn't agree with me more. They are huge fans of blogs, too, and we have frequent debates in the office about which ones are best. So here they are, in no particular order, the World of Blogs According to NKPR:

Jordan: Best Health "I love it b/c it is the perfect blend of fun and facts - keeps me in the loop and I get to have fun while reading it too!!!"

Kaley: manrepeller.com "Yeshiva chic, DIY turbans and obviously Karl's Chewbacca."

Andre: lifehacker.com "Because there are always tools and software to tinker with and they've got the best tech tips."

Lisa: perezhilton.com "It's a guilty pleasure - there's always something new every time you check."

Jeannette: thingsithinkarefunny.net "It's my favourite blog because of the style of humour, which is earnest, funny and easy to relate to. I'm also a personal friend of the blogger's. ;-)"

Rebecca: www.thingsIthinkarefunny.net "It's my favourite because i wrote it."

Emily: The Rejecter "Because I get rejected a lot. I would mention my own blog, but I'm not in to shameless self promotion like some people in this office who are named Rebecca. For fashion and beauty, I love the blogs on Sweetspot."

Andrea: apartmenttherapy.com "So I can spy on other people and look at their apartments and how they decorate them. It is better than watching the real estate channel. And this one just because: www.coolhunting.com/culture/

Dzeneta: ffffound.com "No reading required."

And as for me, aside from this blog :), my current faves are 29 secrets, Beauty Geeks, Compendium Daily, Happy Face and www.thingsIthinkarefunny.net

What are your favourite blogs? Tweet me at twitter.com/natashankpr

XO Natasha

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