The Knuckle-Explode

A recent debate in our office has arisen regarding handshakes vs. knuckles. I, personally, am a huge advocate for the "Knuckle Explode" (Bumping knuckles and then opening your fist in an exploding manner). I have been testing it out on everyone at my meetings and no strange looks as of yet.

Also known as the "Fist-Bump", the knuckles-explode handshake originated in the 1970s with the NBA player Baltimore Bullets. It was later popularized by Michael Jordan in the early 1990s. Most recently, the Obamas fist-bumped during a televised presidential campaign speech. Other famous Fist-Bumping instances include:

-Bobby Flay on Grill It! With Bobby Flay
-Ali G, played by Sasha Baron Cohen, fist bumps as a greeting and sign-off with guests
-Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler on Weekend Update
-Myron Lowery, who fist-bumped the Dali Lama (!!!)

I've listed below some top reasons why I think handshakes are outdated and it's time for the world to latch on to the knuckle trend:

1. It's more sanitary (Openly-Germophobic Howie Mandell won't shake hands, but gladly gives knuckles to every contestant on Deal or No Deal)

2. It's easier and quicker

3. Instant streed cred

4. It has a better attitude. An avid Fist-Exploder explains, "You just feel more fired up after a knuckle bump, like you just hit the big shot or got the big hit!"

5. They're just way more fun to do!

So, what do you think? Knuckles or Handshake?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Natasha is on to something!
The knuckle explode is the way of the future, although my grandmother was not overly impressed when I busted it out at T-Gives dinner.
She'll catch on eventually...