Hollywood Awards Gala

I'm really looking forward to my trip to LA next week. I'll be attending the Hollywood Awards Gala to support Father Rick Frechette who will be receiving the Humanitarian Award, an award bestowed upon an individual for his or her dedication to fighting injustices and/or creating social change for the improvement of humanity. I am beyond thrilled that Father Rick is being recognized for the incredible work he's done. For the past 22 years, Fr. Rich Frechette, a physician and priest, has devoted his life to improving the living conditions for the people in Haiti. Today Father Rick and his team have built and run the St. Helen Hospital, a home to over 430 children, in addition to the St. Damien Pediatric Hospital, with an outpatient clinic that attends to 100 children daily and is the only free pediatric hospital in Haiti. Artists for Peace and Justice supports the work of Father Rick through fundraising efforts where 100% of the money raised goes directly back to support his projects in Haiti. For more information, visit (http://www.artistsforpeaceandjustice.com)

From L.A., I'll be flying to my home away from home, New York City. Lots of meetings booked, but I'm also really excited to have a hot chocolate and sit on a bench in Central Park- I love it during this time of year! I'm also looking forward to another fantastic dinner at the Little Owl (http://www.thelittleowlnyc.com) in Greenwich Village. Should be a really great week.

Have a wonderful weekend!
XO Natasha

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